Saturday, March 31, 2012

Love Satuday art days!

Hello folks! Been a soothing calm kind of Saturday for us here. Got to breakout some art supplies and play a little. No real masterpiece but I have found a new love for what is known as "Nesting dolls" or " Russian dolls" or Matryoshka Dolls...Babushka Dolls..thought for some reason that they were Polish dolls and then someone told me nope their Russian dolls. Come to find out they date back to as early as I believe it said 1890 and have very similar qualities as Asian dolls for that time period...according to this very useful blog
I just know that I have seen these dolls throughout my life at various times and I believe my children even may have had some at one point sure wish I would have kept them. Yesterday at JoAnn Fabric I was browsing through fabrics for something cool to make a traveling art bag with and when I saw this material I just fell in love with it.
Adorable right? Right! So..I got it home and when I took it out of the bag I was just in love with it. I started researching these dolls and this blog I gave you the url to was the most to the point explanation for them I found. I'm just in love them for now. lol I get in these weird infatuation type moods with certain objects. There is no particular order to these moods and not real sure how to explain it but if something fancies me it will be the object of my affection for a few weeks. Hence I painted a cute little Nesting Doll tonight. Not my best work of art ever but I really love her and think she is so she is.

She is the first of what I believe will be a few that I will do like her. She was fun...simple art fun. Wanted a really relaxing day and this was something that I could just quickly and have fun with. 
I have really been itching to get out with my camera. I still have  a plan to do the 365 day project and that will be starting shortly. I am a bit fearful of failure. I started it once before and was really dedicated and them there was a sickness in the family and some other dire important events that transpired and it got lost....I do not want to do that this time around if its a bad day you will just get to see a bad picture. lol. Every day is not sunshine and rainbows....and speaking of that I've had so many thoughts lately about that. I do not believe that it is possible for me to be one of those artist or people who only makes art that says " DREAM" " BELIEVE" while I love those words and I love the positive meaning behind them, life isn't sunshine and rainbows every day. Everyone has a bad day from time to time and I can't come here and be anything other than real and who I am so if the day sucks I'm going to tell you it does. If that means I am unworthy of ever getting published in a magazine or having my blog noticed than so be it. I am true to self and a realist. I would love to have my work noticed don't get me wrong but if being real means I never will than I am okay with that. 
I hope you all have had a good weekend thus far. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nothing like new art supplies and birthday gift cards!

What is all of this? Birthday bliss..
My sister and my daughters sure are good to me. 
This makes me look so forward to the weekend!!


Starting the 365 project this weekend. Wish me luck...I really would like to make it through the 365 days without wanting to give up on the project. Have attempted it once before but it didn't work out so well...going tor really try to focus and keep it alive all year! Have a great weekend guys! Make pretty things! :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Me :)

March 28th, 2012. 
41 years old today.
Made it through another year! 
Has the day off today :)
Thinking about starting a 365 photo project today..seems like a good day to begin...
failed last time I attempted it...
looking back at photos from my life...
thinking about how blessed I am and have been,
all the obstacles I've overcome
all of my achievements...
all of the things I wanted to do last year but never got around to...
Telling myself 41 is not that old :)
Forty years ago today...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

All parents with children in school still..

Hello friends. This is not going to be a blog about art. No, no, its going to be a blog about education and something that really got to me today. I know many of my art friends here and some friends on Facebook have small children, school aged children and you just have to hear me out on this one, because while my post or opinion may not have much baring on your life or your child's education, the school and the quality of their education will effect you and your child now and in the long run and I just want to throw some things out there for consideration.
I am a young mother. I had my first child at 18 years old pregnant at 17, stepped up to the plate we did what we had to do she's a wonderful 22 year old college graduate and very responsible. Second child at 24 wonderful child now 17, graduating and June and eager for a college education.IF...middle school, was anything for them like what I witnessed today, I feel like a terrible human being for making them go to school.
While I certainly wish my art was worthy enough or that I knew how to make it lucrative for myself enough to not have to work another job, that it is just not the case. My other place of employment is at a college. For this college I have been assisting the EDU (Education) program by going to elementary and middle schools and video recording student teachers as they give lessons and teach as part of the requirements of their program. Most of the recordings I have done have been K-5 and I've been so impressed with those grades and the ways that technology is being incorporated into education. With smart boards and smart pens and computers; it really is amazing how advanced even a first grader is these days compared to the early seventies when I was a kid. I tell you that I am a young mother because I'd like to believe that I can still remember what it was like in middle school, and grade school, and I believe and have been told I relate well to kids and they kind of gravitate toward me in any given circumstance. Possibly a mentality thing, I am a child at heart I really am. But I experienced today blew my mind.
The classroom I was in today, was in a suburb on the outskirts of Detroit about two -three cities from the inner city of Detroit.  The class was 7th grade math students. The student teacher was amazing and so was the home teacher who has the student teacher interning in his classroom. But the kids...the kids were a bad way. From the moment they entered the classroom, these children misbehaved to a level of out of control and it was not any fault of, or lack of control the teachers had over the classroom. I think we do not give the teachers enough credit because I assure you I could never do what they do every single day and not end up self medicating or being locked up and that is the truth.
These kids were first of all very segregated. Which was bothersome. The couple of extra ordinarily "pretty" girls sat together and made sure everyone knew they were important and popular and did everything in their power to stand out that way. The other girls clustered together and spent a great deal of time watching the "pretty girls"very obviously wishing they were them. How sad that is right? It gets worse follow me here. The class clowns were clustered together and 7 of them were kicked out of the class within the hour and 15 minutes they were in this math class. I will get to why that is. Then you had the clusters of culture. The self- segregating kids who choose to only be by their peers who like them. And alone...spread out among the class, sitting very sad looking and depressed, were the less popular kids that get made fun of who are bullied or did not fit in to one of the clicks in the classroom.
Now for the most part we all know this is pretty typical as sad as it is it is just the way it has always been. What was so bothersome was not only the way these kids were behaving in the classroom but the way they were treating each other. I cannot tell you how many times I heard the word "faggot" "fag" "homo" or "gay" nor can I tell you how many swear words these kids were saying and believe me it was far worse than shit or damn. It got even worse. At one point while this teacher is very nervous, knowing that she is being filmed, which is tough for a student teacher to begin with; you do not want to make any mistakes... not only are they being video recorded they are also being hand written evaluated on EVERYTHING by another individual who is there for the sole purpose of evaluating their methods and lessons. She has the students break up into groups and she assigns the groups so they have to integrate with others outside of their clicks and work with diverse individuals. EVERY opportunity these kids got that the teachers had their backs turned at the smart board or were conducting classroom business, they were pulling chairs out from one another, tripping one another, swearing and teasing each other, mocking was more than appalling to see this. I found myself wondering how my girls ever made it out of that sort of environment if in fact it was like that for them, being who they are today and how strong they had to have been to endure it.
You may be one of those parents that say "not my kid" or " I didn't raise them that way" but let me tell you, there were more kids engaging in this type of behavior than there were who weren't. And if they weren't, they were the ones being picked on , bullied or made fun of in some way for being to quiet or being too fat or being this or that. And without doubt there are the few who you know their parents are part of the problem. This bothered me so badly. These kids even in playful conversation were violent in their speech, they were acting like they were stabbing each other with their pens, and just had little to NO respect for their classmates, the adults in the room or the teachers. HOW can a child who wants to learn... learn in this sort of environment? They had 1 hour and 15 minutes for this Algebra lesson on slopes and by the time the 7 big time trouble makers were gone from the room and the class was starting to look as though they were really grasping the concepts...the bell rings and its time to go. Then, what about the 7 kids out in the hall that were asked to leave the classroom because they were so overwhelmingly disruptive and rude? They have now missed the lesson, if not already behind, will certainly be by the next time the class meets and those kids end up falling through the cracks.
I don't have the answers other than my argument on school k-12 needing to go to solely online education. People argue that with me and say yes but what about the social skills they get in is this the kind of social skills that are benefiting your child? Yes, it would put the ball back in the parents court and they would have to have play dates or have their children involved in activities outside of the home with peers they know are not negative influences on their children but guys....what about the fact that i have to work every day who's going to watch my kids? was NEVER meant to be your daycare of babysitter and very unfortunately that is what these teachers must spend most of their time dealing with opposed to instruction and teaching a lesson...tending to your child who cant behave themselves or keep their hand to themselves. And then there is the home schooling option which proves to be very beneficial, if the parents are 100% dedicated and can do it properly.
I cannot express to you enough after today's experience, how incredibly happy I am that my youngest is graduating this June and will be done with public schooling forever. That my girls made it out alive and well and exceptional human beings. These kids are almost forced by their peers to conform or their lives are made to be hell. They are spending more time at school trying to fit in and not be the object of some bullies affections that they aren't learning enough.
I encourage you all to do some research. Now, I mentioned the fact that these schools were not in the inner city because I know there will be some people out there that say, those city kids, or assume that the kids who were being bad were being bussed. No my friends, these were suburb, well dressed, well groomed children, possibly spoiled little shits we are talking about. BE INVOLVED in your child's life and education. It has all changed, and its not all normal parts of growing up this behavior was not just adolescent angst or rebellion. I would give anything, for every single parent of a child in that classroom today, to be called into the school auditorium and be given a view of the video of their children in class.  I think many of them would be so shocked and appalled. Considering the fact that these days less than a quarter of parents attend parent teacher conferences it would have to be mandatory, and if you can't make the child behave how well do you think that would work for the parent?
I just had to share this because there is a real problem going on in classrooms today. We hear all of these stories about peer pressure, drug use, school shootings and are taking cell phones to school and looking at porn on their cell phones, cheating on tests and assignments with their cell phones and video recording their bullying and fights to post on youtube after school. When do we wake- up as a society and take a closer look at this problem? What are your kids schools testing scores like? Do you really know what its like for your kid every day or the pressures they have on them?
Food for thought friends....lets talk about this if you stuck around long enough to read my novel here...any thoughts and opinions are welcome as long as their with tact and not disrespectful to me or anyone else who has an opinion different than your own. Thanks for being adult like and considerate to all. pe@ce & love~ Deb

Sunday, March 25, 2012

As promised...

Wasn't feeling well last night but reminded myself that Frida didn't feel well either for some time and still painted. I thought something simple and cute and so this is what I ended up with. Titled it Little Birdy.
Don's mom really feel in love with it and so I'm going to mail it to her she lives in Bay City and has been having some tough medical problems so this might brighten her apartment and day. Not one of my favorite works of art but cute and served a good purpose while I was not feeling well. a sort of therapy you could say...I also painted a 5x7 canvas of the Hoot you see below this post which says "Hello." on it. My sister wanted that one so bad  and I just can't part with it cause I love it too so I made her a duplicate. Funny how the second and third always come out slightly better than the first....or in some cases...not at all. Many times I have tried to duplicate a work of art of my own because someone really wants it and it just don't happen twice often so I am pleased I was able to pull that one off.
Been really enjoying a more folky type of art genre...been researching some folk art and really enjoy the childlike quality some of it has but very technically designs and almost geometric shapes folk art possesses. I have a few small canvas I want to work with today while still not feeling all that great, all I can do is sit here may as well be artfully productive correct? I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday afternoon...looks the weather is shaping up to be a nice breezy sunshine kinda day. 
Have my cup of iced tea, my paint brushes cleaned, blank canvas and the sunshine and breeze coming through an open window. Life is good...peace palz...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Have not abandoned the blog!!

Feels like I have abandoned this blog but that is not the case folks. Worked all week then taught two courses back to back Friday 4 hours each and now, well I'm passing kidney stones again and not feeling so great. If you have ever had them then you know what I mean and if you have not, well pray you never do and I will pray for ya as well because their not fun. No appetite, headache, very fatigued, fever and my left side from back to front times rather horribly. :(
Just took a nice long shower, have to step out as much as I do not want to, we need milk and bread and then my plan is to come back and try to do a bit of drawing or painting. Will share whatever it is unless I take a turn for the very worst and need the hospital. Stayed tuned floks this can't last forever. I'm still here...<3

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meet the Hoots!

One more to go in a set of 4...these little cuties are a hoot to make...just playful art :)

4x4 canvas --acrylic paint and pitt pens

Good morning do you do?

Hope this finds you all well and happy this Sunday morning. Up far too early but must get myself in the habit as my work schedule changes this coming week and I need to be up earlier than usual. Been working on a few little things here and there artistically in between sorting out the malfunctions in life lol Seems every week for the last month something has broke and has needed to be replaced. First week the front breaks on my car, second week the starter on my car, third week some girl on her cell phone pulled out in front of me literally 4feet from me hitting her and i slammed on my breaks to not her hit and snapped both of the back break lines then on Friday, not only did my vacuum catch on fire, my belt on my dryer broke. Hmmmm is right feeling like someone cursed to work some reverse the back luck voodoo whoever is responsible better watch out cause its about to be coming back three fold lol
So..I found these super cute 4x4 little canvas's at Micheal's... was not real sure what do do with them but started doing little owls on them and their coming out is one of them I finished last night.

A second and third in the works. It is a challenge for me to draw and paint this small...but their a hoot to make! hehe. Have a wonderful Sunday and will post the other owls later on!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thoughts on pinterest and intellectual property?

I am so eager and curious to hear the flip side of the coin. To hear from other artist how they feel about pinterest. The only thing I have heard so far is that people are torn in their opinion on it or are undecided. I am open to hearing anyone thoughts and opinions all comments are welcome so long as their respectful. I feel very passionate about this subject but would never aim to disrespect anyone else's opinion. Please do share I think the outcome of all of this will be interesting to watch unfold.
I am not the type of person that if someone opens my eyes to a new concept, or shows me through logic that my opinion is wrong, I wont give them the credit deserved for their perspective and consider their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I believe that this is going to be become a major issue for all artist in all genres of the creative arts and it will ultimately effect / affect all of us in some way.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It is so funny, I take so much time and effort to create a great playlist here that I do not even know if one single soul has ever listened to. I do it for is completely selfish because I love music so much and love having a great playlist. New bands I find...old bands I will always hit wonders or artist who only have one song I the morning I log in not to see if I have comments although those are always nice to find :) But to listen to my playlist as I get ready for work or read news..check facebook...I love my mixed tape lol Hope someone out some point in time actually checks out the music on my blog and listens to speaks for me. Good night folks.

Watch the video, Get involved. Your voice matters!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Good afternoon everyone! Hope this lovely sunshine filled Sunday is going well for you all. Heading out shortly for dinner at my mom's. Absolutely love her and love going over on Sunday's but it takes so much from the last day I have off. Not real thrilled about going as I would love to have nothing to do and work on art but she loves when we come to visit and you know how moms are. It is so hard to say no to them. Will be heading back later this afternoon and will hopefully have some time to work on some art things. Have a beautiful day! Catch you all on the flip side!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Plans for today?

Nothing but art. I will shower. I will eat. I will drink coffee. I will make art :)

Friday, March 09, 2012

So happy to report

We have found my fathers birth parents and ancestors!!! We are still going and we are around 1300 right now in my fathers fathers side. This stuff is just amazing! Will keep you guys posted!
Let me add that this is the Combe Manor. Sometime around 1250 the s was added to Combs but prior to then it was Combe. I highly dobut if I showed up at the door step they would give two shits that I have tracked my name back to here LOL Was cool to see it attached to my ancestors. :)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

I have a family!

I am so incredibly happy today! I took a leap of faith last night and signed up for a 14 days free trial membership at Now, to the average person this may not mean a lot, at least from my experience, but let me explain something. I have grown up in envy for people who know their history. People who's families kept photos and heirlooms and have stories to tell. People who know their cousins. While my mothers side of the family has had a few stories here and there, very few photos existed and we only really knew our mothers parents as kids and a couple of aunts and uncles and cousins that we only seem once a summer if that or when someone would pass away. We never really KNEW any of them. my father was taken away from his birth mother when he was very little and aside from his parents names, which we still don't even know if their accurate or the correct spellings of, we have kinda grown up in the dark. It has always bothered me that I knew so little about where I came from and I am so happy this morning to tell you WE ARE ON THE MAP!! HAHA! I have in the last 24 hours found a great deal of information out about my mothers side and been able to trace them back to my mothers fathers, great, great, great, great, great grandparents!! This stuff is amazing. Birth and death records, census records, World War I draft registration cards, personal stories and I feel.......tearful in some way and validated if that makes sense. Our family has history! I have 13 days still, to try to find information on my fathers birth parents, I have a feeling from what I have been told the little knowledge there is that none of it is going to be good but serve as interesting fact if nothing else. I plan to utilize every bit of these 14 days to find what I can. This story touched me. Someone posted this story, it is about my grandfather Franklin Hurley Ware who to date, remains my most favorite and loved blood relative I've ever known. I adored my grandfather so much. At 3am I cried reading this story that was posted"

"In the summer of 1990 my husband Chris Ware and his parents Tom & Evelyn Ware made a trip to Paris, KY to visit his family.  We visited with his great uncle Franklin Hurley Ware Sr.  Family members call him Hurley.  He was 90 years old.  Tom Ware had not seen his uncle Hurley Ware Sr. in years and was glad to make the trip with us.  Hurley had lived in Paris, KY for a long time and his occupation was a horse trainer.  Hurley could give us some information about his mother Katie Baber-Ware and how young he was at age 6 when she died in 1905.  He could remember when his mother would sit mending socks and rocking his baby sister Annie Mae Ware in her cradle and singing an old gospel song as she rocked Annie.  Hurley could remember the song and he began to sing it to all of us.  Hurley said his sister Annie died very young.  When his mother Katie died at age 31 she left behide four small children for his daddy Martin Thomas Ware to raise.  His daddy never remarried and lived alone for 42 years after Katie died.  We also made a visit to see Hurley' son Franklin Hurley Ware Jr. and his wife Lorene.  Then we went on to visit Hurley Ware Sr. niece Mary Ellen White-Franklin a daughter of Nettie Ware-White who married Dave White."

I never knew that my grandfathers mother died when he was only six years old, and his sister died very young as well.  His father never remarried and remained alone all of those years. She must have been his one true love. :) That warms my heart and saddens me at the same time. To picture my grandfather telling these old stories about his mother and signing a song she use to sing to them just touched me in such a way.....confirming once more why I love him so much and offering some insight I have felt so neglected and thirsty for all of these years. Shocked that his father married a 4th cousin....times were different I guess....
This is a photo of my "Papaw" and I wish that today's youth would grasp how important it is to endure and take as much in from their grandparents as they can cause a day will come...that you will swear you would offer a limb to be able to have just one talk with them. To just ask about their lives and their history and their era...I'd give anything to have just a few moments with him just once more.
So much more to come from me about this subject, bare with me I feel like I have found a treasure chest. I feel....validated and walk with my head high today with pride and a HISTORY. If only I could find some information on my fathers real family members, brothers and parents he never knew...
And so I sign off today, close to getting ready for work thinking about Papaw...and the one song that probably reminds everyone of their grandfather, but because I knew so little all of my life, this song always really touched me....<3

:) Man I miss him where I hear this song.

Monday, March 05, 2012


Fun way to utilize a ton of cute Origami paper that I have because Lord knows...I refuse to attempt Origami...ends up in a crumble in the garbage can. lol She is done, gesso, Origami paper, acrylic paint and gel medium. Her symbol means "Beauty" She is 6 x 8 on canvas.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Weekends go by too fast!

Just hours away from Sunday, last day off for the weekend. I just took a looong hot shower. Don's son John and his fiance Diane are getting married in June of this year and I did the wedding invitations, save the dates, bridal shower invitations & RSVP cards. There is far more work that goes into this sort of "package" than one may thing. Just one of those files if you know anything about Photoshop had 60 some layers in it. I finalized it tonight but at that point between yesterday and today I worked on them for about 15 hours. I'm very happy they like them and their pleased. They turned out wonderfully and i will post them but in order to do that I have to take out their personal names and information for privacy. I will be sure to post them because I think I'd like to do more of these packages in the future. I will be doing my own, and my nieces as well. She is having a military wedding so that should be interesting requires lawfully very specific information and such. I have a baby shower invite to make soon..Charlotte's Web theme :) Looking forward to that. So many project and so little time when I work Monday-Friday at the college. Quarters are ten weeks long and we are entering Monday into the first day of week nine. What does that mean to my job? Hold on!! That is what it means. Week nine is the week before final exams when all large scale papers and projects are due. Since I work in Learning Support Services that is a big deal to our department. Last week we were extremely busy! My job is very rewarding despite this sounding like a complaint. There is no greater joy in life, than knowing you have helped another individual reach a goal they perhaps never believed they could reach. When a student comes to you at the end of a quarter, or near their graduation just to say "Thank you, I wouldn't have made it though this class or my program without your help" it is like no other feeling. For me my art is a selfish thing. I do not do it for money, though sometimes I wish I could sell it to help us out, but I do it for ME. For the need I have to create and to utilize my imagination, to self express. And I also love doing it for gifts to others. My day job however is not a selfish job so it balances out. I just wish all weekends were four days to allow for more time for art on the weekends!! :)
So since I completed the wedding package I was working on I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow. The kids ( adult ones) are coming to visit, and we will just cook good food and have a relaxing day. I will finally get around to some selfish art lol and be so happy to do so.
I'm excited about the Origami paper I got today and plan on using it tomorrow for a few different things. I can see using it for collage backgrounds and also for the clothes of my characters and such. I just love these papers so its mad me a bit anxious today to get done with some of those have to things so I can play just too tired tonight to do so. I am loving all the blogs I follow here..there are so many extremely talented artist and writers on this website and even if I talk to myself most days, or at least that is how it feels sometimes, I really enjoy all the blogs that I get to see and read here and feel like I am far more with like minded people than I feel at facebook. Don't get me wrong I love facebook, but I thrive so much on being with other artistic individuals and learn so much from you all and gain such pleasure from sharing your art experiences and life experiences. It is so refreshing! This is the most loyal I have ever been to a blog and I do not see that ending any time soon. I like it here. If you found yourself here, reading my sleep blabber, thanks. I appreciate that you came by here and I love having you! You ROCK!
Kori is sleeping. She said mom if I make some popcorn will you and Don have some. I said sure. It is all gone and the empty bowl laying next to her lol  :)
Unitl we meet again friends. Good night and bless us all!

Know what makes me happy?

Colors and patters! YAY! Been wanting to pick up some Origami paper for some of my college projects and can't express enough how stoked I am about the colors and patterns I found. I was thinking from the second I grabbed them how many different things this could be used for. All but what its sole intention is. Origami is not my friend. It ends up balled up in the garbage can. NEVER comes out the way it is suppose to. BUT..the paper is great for many other uses! Hope you are all having a great weekend. I am and have been for the last two days working on Don's son's wedding invitations, save the dates and the bridal shower invites. Also doing a logo this weekend for some girls who are doing the relay for life fight against caner. They want some cool t-shirts so I will post some of these things I am working on later on tonight. Hoping to be able to get to some of my own artistic plans at some point tonight and tomorrow. Time will tell. Check out these cool colors and patterns!!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Any Crayola Fans Out There?

I have been a long-time Fan of Crayola. As a child, nothing made me more happy than being taken to K-Mart and being allowed to get a new box of Crayola Crayons and one of those large floor sized coloring books. It was my favorite thing to get as a "prize" aside from this big bop-it balloons they had when I was a kid. Throughout my life, I have remained a loyal fan of Crayola. Well into my adult years, and even to this day in any store I must walk through the Crayola aisle in any given store to see their newest products, sometimes buying crayon's just because there are new colors or the box is something interesting. My girls now 22 and 17 were always Crayola fans as well and we all agree there are no other crayons like Crayola ones. My firm opinion is that all other crayons suck other than the adult crayons that I bought last year at the Novi Expo Scrap Booking Convention.  Those are pretty amazing but, I can remember about 8 years ago, Crayola came out with a pencil box filled with a box of crayons and inside they had four colors UN-NAMED. I cannot tell you the excitement I had when I saw that you could enter a contest and possibly have the names you came up with, given to these new colors. I thought for days and held these colors in my hands, and came up with some of the most clever names ever. Manic Mango for a fruity sort of orange, Royal Velvet for a purple-reddish color and Looney Lime for another...can't remember what I came up with for the last one. I went to the Crayola website, so excited, and filled in the form to enter the contest, so happily typed out my colors names and about three days later got an e-mail stating I was too old to enter the contest. I was PISSED OFF. LOL
So I was bitter for a little while, but get the whole its for the kids thing. But here is the thing. Crayola is not just for kids. So stoked I found these at Walmart and because their awesome for things like art-journaling, collage work, ATC's, just about anything artistic really I wanted to share them with you guys.

Now, the first set the large thick Twistables are HEAVENLY you guys. Their almost slightly oily which allows for smudging and color blending. I'm really not kidding I was skeptical when I got them and was just being brand loyal as I have always been to them and thought well if I don't like them I have kids I know will take them! They ROCK.  when they say "super smooth" their not lying!
The second set of extreme colors are more true to the way a crayons usually colors, you have to press a bit harder their colors are amazing however. So vibrant and covers so well which is what really sets Crayola apart from other crayons in my opinion.
So many artist it seems anyways, think that if they don't buy these very expensive art supplies, or buy them from a specialty store, that their art is not "legit" it then somehow seems to be more "crafty" than ART. This isn't true. A great artist, a  great creator will take anything they can get their hands on and create good art. That even includes crappy crayons, I would just melt them and sculpt opposed to coloring with them LOL But don't think your art is childish or not respected if you pay $3.00 for Crayola Crayons opposed to 15.00 for some other thing you get the same or less from. FEAR NOT...Crayons. They have withstood the test of time. Case in point anyone here ever heard of the artist Don Marco? He is a crayon master and also a faithful fan of Crayola. If you have never seen this guy his website is a MUST. you will be simply amazed at what this man does with Crayola Crayons!! Here is a link for you all...I encourage you strongly to check this out even if you are non-interested in crayons!

(Image from Don's official website)
I strongly encourage all of you with small children to keep their creative minds active. My girls are both fantastic artist. Better than they even realize. They both can draw so well, perhaps one of my blogs will be dedicated to showcasing some of their art. It warms my heart when I see my friends here like Lisa Potoczak Gonzalez sharing images of her children creating masterpieces. When my girls were small I loved hanging their art on the fridge and doing projects with them...I still have a massive huge box of school project and art they made through the years and have both of their current art works hanging on my walls today! :)
Well I hope you guys enjoyed today's blog and that you have a beautiful day today. I am still sick with this terrible sinus infection, happy that I can at least breath out of my nose today which is more than I can say for last night. Peace & love friends. See you on the flip side! Deb~