Sunday, August 17, 2014

Taking Time For Pause

I guess that when you get older you realize that some cliche's have been established and long standing well known because there just really is something to them. Cliche's are highly under rated seemed to be the cool thing to dismiss anything that remotely sounded "cliche"

I read that line earlier and its been stuck in my head ever since..."Take time to pause" on the publication Bella Grace....which I'm currently having a love affair with....

Incredible publication.....but that line..."Take Time To Pause"...been feeling a bit unhappy in general lately..nothing I could really place my finger on...and I'm so full of gratitude in my life for all that is children are safe and sound..I love my job, I love my art group which is going very well, I am content in matters of the heart....but this line..."Take Time To Pause"  I've not done this in some time. My life is always go. Go to work, Go take care of my father, go help my mom out, go here go there get up tomorrow and go again. My art sessions of late have been rushed and never long enough and it dawned on me ..I do not get a chance to really pause. To sit alone and listen to water by the lake with wind in my hair and my eyes closed..that's always soothed curl up with book or my nook and have nothing to do for anyone for an entire 24 hours. I sometimes like to recharge in the sun...especially the morning sun with prayer and thanks for the day. I honestly try to never miss usually takes place before the sun even comes up in the mornings before work..or on my way depending on the day...even if I know the day has potential to stink I still always thank the Lord for each and every one of them....

Our camping trip a few weeks ago offered a little time to pause...but we only camped over night so it was not very long lived or enough by any means....I feel Fall coming..that could have something to do with this as well. I love Fall and all that it has to would be my favorite season of them all if I did not know what follows it and Winter is not my friend. Knowing that football season is almost here and that the winter will follow it kinda puts me in a mood of desperation to enjoy what is left of summer...but I never time....

During the week I leave the house at 7:40-8:00 depending on the takes me close to an hour to get there and settled by the time my shift begins....I get off work at 5:30 ride home from work is horrible...hour and a half at rush hour bumper to bumper no one will let you in or over kinda traffic....and by the time I get home and change my closes...have a bite to eat...I'm either A. so exhausted and just want bed or have b. very little energy...when the weekend comes Friday is usually my pay bills day balance the check book, run errands for the household day...we never end up sitting down for a quiet evening until 10-11 pm on Fridays...Saturdays are sort of my only day off to relax or go to places i am interested in or take photos...and Sunday consist of taking care of my dad who isn't doing well and seeking my mom who isn't doing so great either....father lives an hour away downriver and we clean, do his shopping, pick up his prescriptions and such...and there you have it ..that is usually my week....

I need time to pause. To breath fresh air and let worries vacate my soul...flee from me TIME has not been my friend there are so many artful projectors I want to get to so many ideas i have locked in my head for when I "have the time" ...I'm getting desperate for some "time". Taking time to pause to me is not so much about relaxing....I find time to do that watching a movie or hanging out with the kids...surfing pinterest in bed at night on my nook....taking time to pause for me is more a spiritual thing...a time with nothing to reflect...plan for what you really want to do...give thanks...take notice...

I'm going to make a way for more time to plan better the time I do have to accomplish things I've been wanting to do for a very long get published, write more, get to some art projects that have been looming in the back of my mind....usually my artful time consist of me saying to myself..."ok Deb you have two hours tonight before you have to be in bed and you have this this and this to get in the mail this week for swaps and don't forget to send this person a card in the is more rushed than I would prefer and that is not good for does not allow me explore...or stumble upon new things...and I just rambling? Possibly so...I am tired....very tired. Deep in thought....the phrase "Take time to pause" haunting my brain a bit...making me aware of the fact that it is fact..what I need more of right now. 

To pause. 

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